Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Distelhäuser: Landbier Dunkle 5.1%

This is another German import that Night Shift Distribution brought over and it is a great one. They really did their research when it came to finding great beers to bring over to the US. Landbier is a dunkle with 5.1% ABV. It comes a dark amber color with a small head poured out of the one pint glass bottle. You pick up some sweet and malty aromas as you go to take the first sip. The taste was very smooth with a well balanced flavor of malts, hops, and not really a lot of bitterness.  Distelhäuser has been brewing beers since 1811 and they also won brewery of the year in 2014. Overall if your a dunkle fan or just looking for something new to try I would suggest you go get a Landbier.

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