Monday, October 9, 2017

Tree House Brewing Company: Green 7.6%

Tree House Brewing Company makes some amazing beers. They are slowing rising up the ranks for me as I try more of what they are coming out with. Green is an American IPA that is a hazy orange with a small white head. You get some flowery aromas when Green is poured out of the 16 oz can. There are slight citrus and tropical fruit aromas as well. You defiantly get that juicy aspect right from the first sip. The taste is citrus with a tropical fruit following. I pick up pineapple, grapefruit, orange and a little peach. It finishes with a mild bitterness. Overall, Green was typical NE style IPA that packs that juicy flavor. Its not my favorite from Tree House, but it's still a winner in my book. 

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